
God's Business

Welcome to "God's Business," where your host Nicholas Bayerle interviews the top Christian Business owners and leaders to help you not just build a good business but execute God’s Business. In each episode, you'll hear from successful business leaders, influencers, and pastors who share their personal journeys, insights, and strategies for building and growing a business with God as their focus. Our guests come from a variety of industries and backgrounds, but they all share a common thread: a deep faith in God and a commitment to using their businesses as a vehicle for positive change in the world. Join us as we delve into the challenges and triumphs of running a business with a higher purpose, and discover how you too can create a thriving business that reflects your values and fulfill God’s call on your life. Tune in to "God's Business" and be inspired, equipped, and challenged to grow in every area of your life.
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God's Business







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Now displaying: September, 2018
Sep 28, 2018

Welcome back to the Power Couple Episodes! This week Nicholas and Amanda are talking all about roles in the home, what matters to men and woman, and what it means to be a power couple. Nicholas also asks Amanda's perspective on what attracts a woman to men; which is confidence. 



Amanda , "No Power Couple is perfect, don't compare"

Nicholas, "Masculinity is taking full responsibility"


Timestamped Show Notes:

  • [ 01:00 ] What is a Power Couple
  • [ 02:30 ] How Powerful Men Think about Producing VS. Cleaning
  • [ 03:30 ] Be in Alignement as a Couple Within The Home
  • [ 08:30 ] Communicate your Priorities 
  • [ 10:30 ] Healthy Expectations
  • [ 12:30 ] What are Woman Attracted to
  • [ 18:45 ] Business VS Play 
  • [ 21:00 ] There is No Perfect Relationship


  • Confidence is what women are attracted to. How to be feminine and how to be masculine. 


Connect with Nicholas on Instagram 

Connect with Amanda on Instagram 

Sep 26, 2018

Today, Nicholas Bayerle interviews an extraordinary guest who just can’t stop, won’t stop. Gallant Dill is a man of his words. We are engaged from the moment he speaks, as he takes us through his journey of starting from the bottom, to staying up at all hours of the night to hustle for a paycheck, to being held at gunpoint, to meeting the girl of his dreams, to having an epiphany the night before starting his new job in order to pursue his life as a successful entrepreneur.

"The only one in the way of your goals is yourself."-Gallant Dill 

Timestamped Show Notes:

[2:10] Wild Ride

[3:10] Failed Businesses

[7:55] Hardest Pill to Swallow

[9:30] Upside to Failure

[12:30] Raising the Bar

[14:45] Failure is Your Oxygen

[15:07] Chelsea

[23:01] If You Lost Everything

[26:25] Building Confidence

[29:13] Get Out of Your Own Way

[32:05] Quick Money to Strategy

[37:28] WWH (What You Want, Why You Want It, and How You’re Going to Get It)

[43:00] How to Set Different Goals


  •  Get out of your own way and do what you need to do in order to achieve success. You can say that you aren’t made to sell, you don’t have it in you, or that you’ll always be broke. Get Pennywise out of your mind and hustle. You can achieve anything you set your mind to if you want it bad enough.
  • Surround yourself with people who believe in you and will empower you to keep going. Find someone who will stick by your side through thick and thin. Negative surroundings will only produce negative results, which in turn will hinder your ability to thrive and succeed.


Click here to join The Billion Dollar Brotherhood Facebook Group. 

If you enjoyed the show please let me know on Instagram @nicholasbayerle

Sep 19, 2018

Today Nicholas shares with us a guest that he was so pumped to have on the show. When it comes to people pleasing, when it comes to confidence, when it comes to getting your point across, and today's guest been a master at all of these different things, he actually has a company that helps you grow and scale your business, own an asset that works for you, enjoy freedom, income, and the peace of mind. James Friel is so spontaneous and has done crazy things. He consulted the second largest company in the world, made seven figures his first 12 months after leaving his corporate job has so many more ridiculous stories.


Timestamped Show Notes:

  • [ 03:41 ] Spontaneity
  • [ 08:56 ] Closing The Deal
  • [ 11:14 ] Opportunity After Preparation
  • [ 14:20 ] Priorities and Flexibility
  • [ 15:22 ] Doubt
  • [ 21:48 ] Staying True
  • [ 26:59 ] Playing the Long Game
  • [ 31:17 ] People Pleasing
  • [ 36:07 ] Success in Saying No



  • There is no sure thing in anything that you're doing right, you can dramatically improve the odds of success by just showing up and rolling with it. Louis Pasteur, the famous biologist said that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. We create our own luck, but we create through preparation. We have to keep preparing ourselves and when the opportunities show up, those two things combined, opportunity and preparation meet.  Yeah, you could argue that someone is lucky, but if you haven't been preparing and if you don’t know what you want, where you need to be to get it, and what it will take...if you don’t prepare for success you will miss the opportunity. The opportunity is always there for the taking and that's why it appears to be lucky.
  • You've got to go all in and you can't second guess. Too often people limit their progress because they doubt what they're doing and doubt really doesn't serve us in any capacity. Think through what the risks are and acknowledge what you have to be careful about, weigh the options and discover what's really important. Be intelligent about the moves that you're gonna make. But when you're in the process of making those moves and you're doubting your ability to create something, the only thing that that doubt is doing is slowing you down from actually creating the thing that you want.



Sep 14, 2018

Welcome back to the Power Couple Episodes! This week Nicholas and Amanda are talking all about communicating through conflict, emotions, and how to stop people pleasing. Amanda shares that perfection is an opinion, not a definition and Nicholas brought vision into question and how couples can share that with each other.

Timestamped Show Notes:

  • [ 02:07 ] Managing Your Partner
  • [ 05:25 ] No More Nice Girl
  • [ 08:27 ] How Men can Honor Women
  • [ 10:48 ] Body Image
  • [ 12:42 ] Perfection is an Opinion
  • [ 13:57 ] Queens
  • [ 15:27 ] Communicating the Vision
  • [ 18:20 ] Growing Together


  • We've all gone through this of wanting to manage someone else's expectations and make sure they are good. A lot of people think that the best way to have the best relationship is happy wife, happy life. Sure. But there is this analogy of a man and his wife that every single morning they would go on a run together. At the very beginning of running, he was the one that wanted to go run and she was the one that was along for the ride. After a while, he was sick and tired of running, but his wife was so excited every morning to go do it that he was like, well, I guess I'll just go run with her. So he acted like he was excited and then one day they get together and finally one of them blows up and says, I hate running. And the other person's like, what do you mean you love running? It's like, no, you love running. That's why I've been doing this whole time and at the end of the day, all they were trying to do was trying to manage each other's expectations and trying to make sure that the other person was happening in the other person is trying to make sure the other person was happy and then they both were doing an activity that they didn't want to do to make each other happy, which means deep down they both weren't really that happy rather than actually like managing and governing themselves and then giving out of an overflow without having to get connected to the outcome of the other person's like world or expectation.
  • When you are in the stages of overcoming people pleasing or a “Nice” syndrome there are three crucial steps. Number one, know that you are loved, because when you know that you're loved already, and truly believe God has unconditional love for you and realizing that he made you just the way that you are. This will really free you from people pleasing you because it will take the power away from any rejection or hate you receive. The second is treating yourself like a queen. The last one is honoring yourself, respecting yourself and knowing your worth. Don’t be afraid to share how you really feel, don’t be passive when you really aren’t okay with something.
  • A common thing that theme that we see over and over again in relationships is couple’s who aren’t on the same page with their vision simply because they aren’t communicating. Every once in a while it is good to have an outside perspective like another power couple in your community, or podcasts because it’s an opportunity to have an outside perspective on your relationship and grow together. People die inside if they don't have a vision. So make it a point to communicate with each other. It doesn't have to be good, it doesn't have to be pretty by having some communication around what do you want and really have them write down like what things do they want, what do they want out of life, what do they want on to things, what do they want to grow in, you know, that's something that they want to do and then support them in that and you do the same thing. And I think that's such a huge basis of connection is communication. Choose every single day to grow together and it's a choice and it's a decision that you both have to make in your relationship.

Connect with Nicholas and Amanda on Instagram for behind the scenes sneak peeks, content, value, all the latest podcasts, and so much more!

Sep 12, 2018

This week our host Nicholas Bayerle talks with Danny Morel. Danny and Nicholas met at a high-level dinner in Beverly Hills, they struck up a conversation over Danny's live event that brings in an audience of over 2000 people. Danny shares with us today an inside look at his journey within his companies that do over $40,000,000 through several of those companies. How he’s become a dad, a husband, and pulled off events that are absolutely phenomenal.


Timestamped Show Notes:

  • [ 03:17 ] Bearing Fruit
  • [ 05:20 ] Transition
  • [ 06:36 ] The Backstory
  • [ 08:50 ] Environment Influencing
  • [ 14:36 ] DO BE HAVE vs. BE DO HAVE
  • [ 17:22 ] The Best Investment
  • [ 19:59 ] Replicating Success
  • [ 20.25 ] Family as Fuel
  • [ 23:09 ] Breakthrough
  • [ 25:04 ] Building Great Relationships
  • [ 29:15 ] Education
  • [ 31:17 ] Future Events


  • We are living in the day and age where everybody is looking to better their life, whether that be financially or whether that be through fitness because of the exposure that we've been giving on social media. We, as influencers, are exposing what's possible. People looking at their own lives are saying, hang on a second, you know, I'm not accomplishing everything that this guy or this gal is accomplishing, so, so how do I do that? People have to be careful that they're following and listening to people who have actually accomplished great things and whose trees do bear fruit. Stop producing all content until you can actually go prove in your own life that your content is actually worthy of being followed. Everybody wants to produce motivational quotes, everybody wants to be an inspiration, but you can't fake it. People can genuinely tell, they can sense if you're the real deal or not. Go out and kick butt in the business world or go out and kick butt in the fitness world or go out and kick butt and whatever world you're trying to put a dent in. And then come back and say, hey guys, hey guys, my name is Danny Morel. Look what I did. And being that I did it, I can show you how to do it too. Results are your judge, jury, and conviction.
  • There are two formulas, one that unsuccessful people follow and one that successful people follow. Unsuccessful people’s formula starts with DO. They ask themselves, “What do I have to do in order to have what I want to have so that I can be happy?” DO HAVE BE. What starts to happen is anytime that you start off with DO, you're going to base what you can do or what you think you can do based off of the things that you're doing now and the things that you've done before. Half the battle is not understanding that the successful people live life through a complete perspective. They start with BE. “Who do I have to BE? Who do I envision myself BEING? What is my real ultimate purpose? What's the value that I'm going to bring to this world?” They then DO as a result of that BECOMING who they needed to BE to create different results.




Sep 5, 2018

In today’s episode Nicholas interviews Marco Santarelli a real estate expert. Marco shares with us the top tips to create opportunities for passive income investments. Real estate is an industry that has created more millionaires than anywhere else. Marco talked about how to get the best deals through your network, your investments, and education failures.


Timestamped Show Notes:

  • [ 00:50 ] 80%-90% Wealth
  • [ 03:07 ] Investments
  • [ 05:35 ] The Start of Everything
  • [ 11:53 ] Education Fail
  • [ 15:17 ] Risks
  • [ 16:51 ] Turnkey Rentals
  • [ 22:50 ] Current Markets
  • [ 29:25 ] Low vs High Risk
  • [ 39:49 ] Typical Real Estate Avatar  


  • There's always deals out there. It's really about your network. The people you know and the more people you get to know and the more deals you do, the more deals you're gonna see and find. So there's no shortage of deals. And if you have good deals, money will find you. You don't have to chase and find money for your deals. The question isn’t “when should I start,” the question is “when am I as an investor ready to start?” It really is about you. That's why the first investment you should make is in yourself. Personal development is the number one best investment you can make, and that's really the first investment you should make. Start with yourself. From there you can make the step into whatever it may be. There's no such thing as a bad deal. There's really just bad investors, not bad investments because you can take a deal whether good or bad, that may be subjective and give it to one person and they can totally screw it up and lose money. You give that exact same deal to another person who knows what they're doing. They've had experience in renovating or flipping. They know who to contact and they can turn that deal into a good deal. It's more about you, the investor, not so much the investment.
  • There's a lot of educated failures out there, for lack of a better term. There's a lot of educated people that really just don't succeed at anything. The key to success is really one thing. It comes down to execution. There's a lot of people that just don't pull the trigger. There's a lot of people spend a lot of time educating themselves and getting ready and getting ready to get ready and they spend a lot of time on books and podcasts and going to seminars and they're just perpetual info junkies. But once you have the knowledge, you don't need to know everything, but you have enough knowledge to have some level of confidence. The next step is just to put a strategy together and once you have that, now it comes down to execution. It. Once you put the rubber on the road and you start taking action, that's when your life will change. If you don't take action, you're going to be where you are forever. So that's a key point. If you get nothing else out of this, that's the one thing you got to walk away with 100 percent. So in terms of, you know, how to get started or where to get started, it, I'm not sure if those are really one and the same here. It comes down to what your strategy is.

